Dear Classmates:
Below you will find a link to our Reunion pictures taken by Jim Doty; Jim is married to our classmate, Melissa Clements. When I first received the pictures from Cindy Zetterman Henderson they were without names. Not saying that our faces have changed a lot since high school :-))…. I asked Cindy and Nancy Gibson Martin to review the pictures to identify for me the names of the shown classmate(s) within each picture. I then asked Jim if he could add the names to each picture; he was nice enough to do so.
Many thanks to Jim, Cindy and Nancy for their help.
Stay safe,
Note: If access to the pictures is not available below, right click within the link wording above with your mouse and Open Link. Also, the link is only available until Sept 15, 2022 at which time downloading the selected pictures will end. Consequently, I have added the individual pictures below for permanent viewing endeavors.